Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 2

So I still don't know how to indent on here, but that shouldn't be problematic. Probably. In any event, I plan to spend the next few paragraphs talking quite simply about Goldberg Part Deux and the Poetry Packet. Now, I'm not the best reader in the world. I'm not saying I don't understand English or anything, I just don't do all the stuff that other people do. Highlighting, underlining, stuff like that. It's just never been my style, mostly because I never know what I'm supposed to highlight or underline. So if I go off on a tangent about how Shakespeare has long since this sonnet was written been surpassed by contemporary writers because I missed something important, that's my explanation. Now let's get right down to brass tacks, by speaking about...

Heh heh heh, recurring gags.

I'll start with how Goldberg part deux started: obsessions. As you can tell by the few videos I've put into my blog by now, you can tell I'm a wrestling fan. The spectacle, the grandeur, and all that other fine pomp and circumstance has long been an obsession of mine. And honestly, it's a lot like becoming obsessive for writing. If you want to be a good writer, you should be obsessive about writing. You get the basic gist of it, I assume. Goldberg very much stressed the importance of detail in the next few sections, which I very much agree with. The "Don't Tell But Show" also reverberates with me, as a fan of movies and movie reviews themselves. It's a theme I see constantly in criticism, that you shouldn't be telling us but rather SHOWING us. That it applies to writing as well makes sense.

I honestly don't have much that I can say about the sonnets. As I've said, I'm not the best reader in the world. I don't notice fine details, or anything like that. I just think "this sounds kind of prettiful I guess" and move on. Shakespeare, Dickinson, Langston, they were all... kind of prettiful I guess. They were nice to read, but that's about the extent my mental shell goes to. It's something I should fix, and plan to, but for now there's just nothing.

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